Sunday, June 15, 2008

Master Class: 10 Simple Tips to Feng Shui Your Home

Feng Shui Your Home Easily

For Feng Shui Beginners, it is not important to get into the details, but they should just stick to the aspects of Feng Shui homes and Feng Shui in bedroom...

Feng Shui uses a design and to choose colors, and other decorating elements, be it the redecoration of a room, a house or even a building. If you use the traditional Feng Shui, then the grid is oriented according to the compass directions. It you are using the western style Feng Shui, then it is oriented according to the entrance or the door that is used.

1. Shoes and slippers should not be left lying around outside the entrance door of the house. Let the place in front of your door be free of any clutter. The chi (energy) that rides with the wind will bring the dirt and the stink of shoes into the house, which causes sickness. Once in the house, the chi looks around for water to stay in. If there is no water fountains or fish tanks, then it will flow away with the wind.

2. The water fountains or the fish tanks in the house should be placed in a favorable direction or area to help your get whatever you want [Read more]

7 Reasons Why People Fail in Life

Being successful is very simple. Just model others who are successful. Talk like they talk, do what they do, and most importantly think like they think. Focus on less, but only on that which is more important to you, whatever that may be. There are certain areas which are equally important to the well being of every human when it comes to success and happiness. These areas are spiritual fulfillment, vibrant physical health, nurturing relationships, and financial wealth.

There are many reasons why people fail to attain the state known as success, or even happiness. Below are seven of the most common reasons in my opinion.

1. Not Knowing What They Want. The number one reason why people are unsuccessful or unhappy is because they do not know what they want out of life. You see, life is a like a blank canvas. It is up to each individual to pick the colors they wish to paint and draw any picture they please. If a person does not choose to pick their colors or picture to paint, they can be certain that someone else who does know what they want will pick it for them.

2. Not Doing What They Know. Knowledge and action are worlds apart. Just because you know that you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly in order to attain vibrant health does not mean that you will do it. [Read more]

How To Have The Life You Want! - The Art Of Receiving

When somebody compliments us we feel awkward, embarrassed or guilty.We do not enjoy Christmas or Birthdays when we are given gifts.When we are given a compliment or a gift we my immediately want to reciprocate without giving time to thank or appreciate the giver. We never quite reach the point of success or reward. If we do have a success we often lose it quickly or Won’t feel good about it.We would rather give a present than receive it.

We hate people making a fuss over us or treating us kindly.We are often rushing around looking after everybody else’s well-being or happiness.Something important is never present in your life – there is always a feel of lack. If you recognized any of these you are not alone. An ability to receive fully is at the heart of most human problems.

It can usually be traced back to a level of guilt and feeling of failure around our original families, where we subconsciously believe we have let our parents and siblings down. This lowers our self-worth and esteem and makes us feel that we do not deserve to have life’s rewards. Obviously the key is to find self-forgiveness and to feel more worthy [Read more]

The Historical Significance Of Sunflowers

The history of the sunflower begins in the Americas, the land to which it is indigenous. The native Indian cultures revered the sunflower – the Incan sunflower was used as a symbol for their sun god and Olmec (Ancient Mexicans) sunflower rituals and temple sculptures are well documented, but perhaps the greatest use of the sunflower was by the Native American Indians.

Archeological evidence has shown that the Native Americans considered the sunflower a special crop and used it abundantly – as far back as 2300BC. The Native Americans formed very close bonds with the earth and all of the abundances arising from it – and the sunflower was considered among the most important of the crops. Buffalo Bird Woman, a Hiditsa Tribe member born in 1839, tells of the importance of the sunflower and described many rituals based around the plant. She also states that the Native Americans believed singing to the sunflower would help it grow.To the Native Americans, the sunflower symbolized strength and endurance, and was a prominent feature in their ceremonies.

The Lakota Indians, during their Sun Dance Ceremony, would wear medallions in the shape of a sunflower head as they danced during the ceremonial event. The Hopi put sunflowers in their hair and commemorated their ceremonies by drawing pictures of sunflowers in their lodges and kivas. The Native American warriors also used rolled sunflower balls as “iron rations” on war marches – being away from home, the nourishment offered by these ancient iron rations apparently “…invigorated the body before battle…” [Read more]

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